The last Indian wedding video of the day is one that will surely keep you smiling! Filmtwist Productions illustrates the story of Maharani Shiena and Jay, who first locked eyes in the gym weight room. Having heard rumors about one another for three months, their paths finally met…and the rest is played out in this sweet little video!
The cinematographers follow the Indian bride and groom on their two-part Sikh and Hindu wedding ceremony, which is full of beautiful tapestries and gorgeous views of the Bay Area!
If you missed any of the Indian wedding loveliness this week, here are a few of my favorite posts:
An Indian bride‘s colorful outfit at her festive garba.
An Indian bride’s super fab Indian bridal jewelry (look at that ring!).
And finally…a gorgeous candlelit altar at an Indian wedding reception.
And, to make your Friday fly by, here are some fun links from around the web:
Pro Football in India?! You gotta see this
Cute for any Maharanis door, love these DIY wreaths!
Finally, I would like to take a minute to welcome our newest Platinum Guide members :
Mind Over Media/ San Diego Marriott Del Mar
Have a fabulous weekend, Maharanis!